An analysis of galloping of two different types of riser fairings is presented. The first is named “long fairing” (LF) and the other “Short Crab Claw” (Short CC). The first one has a traditionally winged formed shape with a cord-to-diameter ratio of 2.43. The other one is more truncated in shape, and has cord-to-diameter ratio of only 1.4.

Results from two related experimental set-ups are included in the work; one 2D experiment with towing tests of fairings that are free to translate and rotate to investigate instability regions, and one 2D experiment with fixed fairings to obtain drag, moment and lift curves. The present analysis is based on two-degrees of freedom, linearized equations of motion, and predicts a range of velocities where instability occurs. Below and above this region, the fairing is stable. Damping complicates the analysis. An empirical damping model is included and discussed. The two fairing types inhibit appreciably different instability characteristics. In particular, the Short CC fairing has a narrower instability region than the long fairing, and is therefore less prone to instabilities.

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