This paper is a continuation of our previous paper [1] (OMAE2014-23225) where we did a parametric study for wave-structure interaction of a hollow cylinder in regular sea waves without vessel motions. The effect of waves and current on the motion of the cylinder and the associated forces were evaluated using a state-of-the-art methodology [2] (OMAE2013-11569) for predicting the motions and loads of subsea equipment and structures during offshore operations. In this paper, we extend the solution to include wave – structure interaction in regular sea waves and vessel motions. The 5th order Stokes regular waves in CFD and vessel motions are included in the modeling. This methodology couples the transient CFD with a hydrodynamic motion analysis after diffraction analyses, instead of relying on the traditional approach which uses simplified equations or empirical formulae to estimate hydrodynamic coefficients [3], or using steady-state CFD simulation on stationary equipment and structures to predict drag and added masses on submerged structures. The time domain diffraction simulation is coupled with a multiphase CFD simulation of subsea equipment and structures in waves. A transient CFD model with rigid body motions for the equipment and structures calculates added masses, forces and moments on the equipment and structures for the diffraction analysis, while the diffraction analysis calculates linear and angular velocities for the CFD simulation. In this paper, simulations are performed to investigate effect of the vessel motions on the motion of a hollow cylinder in regular sea waves. The results are compared with that from the traditional approach. This coupled methodology has potential applications in analyses of the motions of subsea equipment and structures in waves during offshore operations. The results in this paper show wave-structure interaction of a hollow cylinder in regular sea waves, and the effect of vessel motions on the motion of the cylinder. The results provide better understanding of structure motion in regular waves with vessel motions using this coupled methodology. The coupled methodology eliminates the inaccuracy inherited from assumed or calculated hydrodynamic properties that are obtained by using simplified equations or empirical formulations, or by using steady-state CFD analyses in traditional decoupled approaches. The results show that the coupled physics of regular sea waves, vessel motions and cylinder motion is captured by using this methodology. The coupled physics is not captured by the traditional approach.

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