This paper focuses on the applicability of different Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software for the design of marine current turbines. As part of the conceptual design process, Seaplace has carried out a detailed numerical and experimental hydrodynamic program to optimize a new Tension-Tethered Turbine concept for harnessing energy from marine currents. Three different codes have been assessed, based on the demands from each phase: OpenProp, TurbProp, and ANSYS® CFX®. The paper provides an extensive summary of the main outcomes from the turbine optimization process to achieve highest efficiencies. A description of the tested geometries and the implementation of TurbProp to account for inline turbine solutions is included. Simulations for the test-model and prototype scales have been performed, with the pressure distributions, flow streamlines and power coefficients presented as primary results. The influence of simulation results on the final turbine configurations is discussed.
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ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
June 8–13, 2014
San Francisco, California, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division
Numerical Simulations in the Design of a New Tension-Tethered Marine Current Turbine
David Fernandez,
David Fernandez
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
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Santiago de Guzman,
Santiago de Guzman
Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain
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Ronald W. Yeung,
Ronald W. Yeung
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
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Manuel Moreu
Manuel Moreu
Seaplace, Madrid, Spain
Search for other works by this author on:
David Fernandez
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Jaime Moreu
Seaplace, Madrid, Spain
Santiago de Guzman
Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain
Ronald W. Yeung
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Manuel Moreu
Seaplace, Madrid, Spain
Paper No:
OMAE2014-24382, V007T12A021; 11 pages
Published Online:
October 1, 2014
Fernandez, D, Moreu, J, de Guzman, S, Yeung, RW, & Moreu, M. "Numerical Simulations in the Design of a New Tension-Tethered Marine Current Turbine." Proceedings of the ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 7: Ocean Space Utilization; Professor Emeritus J. Randolph Paulling Honoring Symposium on Ocean Technology. San Francisco, California, USA. June 8–13, 2014. V007T12A021. ASME.
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