Unlike ocean going vessels, FPSOs often have appendages, such as bilge keels or riser porches, at or below the waterline in an asymmetric configuration. In addition, the riser and mooring systems impose asymmetric loads on the hull. As a result, the expected roll motion response to a wave environment is asymmetric and traditional methodologies cannot be used to predict it. Morison drag elements can be incorporated to represent the asymmetric condition and are easily implemented in time domain simulations. The limitation to this engineering approach is that the drag coefficient can only be calibrated to produce accurate motions or accurate appendage loads but not both. In this paper we compare the response using two time domain approaches, the first being adapted from a commercial marine dynamics analysis tool [9] and the other being a specialized hydrodynamics motion prediction tool [4]. Here, the commercial tool utilizes constant coefficient drag elements in conjunction with traditional linear equivalent roll damping to model the effect of unequal port and starboard bilge keels as is typical when a riser balcony are present. In contrast, the newly developed hydrodynamic model relies solely on a Keulegan-Carpenter (KC) number dependent drag relation to represent the asymmetric drag contributions. The different calibration procedures will be discussed and a comparison for a design environmental condition between the two methodologies will be presented.

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