When in shallow waters, not only the risers, but also the structures and equipment are submitted to different conditions from the ones related to deepwater applications. OGX has developed offshore applications in shallow waters in Campos Basin, Brazil, using a FPSO with Lazy S riser configuration, based on the Midwater Arch systems (MWA).

MWA systems are feasible due to OGX application scenario, but they present some disadvantages, such as: high compliance of the buoyant section to the FPSO, large static offset (common issue in shallow waters applications), which makes the MWA carry the risers that are clamped at the top; high manufacturing and installation costs, associated to the high weight of the structure, which includes large and heavy buoys; limitation regarding transportation, sometimes requiring heavy duty trucks, and consequently, more expensive ones. These disadvantages could be avoided by using another type of support structure, but it depends on the application conditions.

Aiming to optimize the Lazy S configuration for new applications in shallow waters, a viability study of a most simplified concept of support, fixed and less compliant, was carried out considering as a standard scenario the Waimea field (under development), located in Campos Basin, Brazil. As a result of this study, OGX and Wood Group Kenny developed the conceptual project of an innovative design of Riser Support Structure (RSS).

Therefore, this paper addresses the technical challenges that were faced during the design of this new concept of Riser Support Structure for shallow waters in offshore applications, including issues regarding the required structural safe response and aspects comprising installation and some decommissioning considerations.

Regarding the design, this paper discusses the structural analyses performed to validate the RSS, which include VIV and Finite Element Analyses, presenting its main results, and the critical issues encountered during these analyses. They include issues such as: Overstress due to combined loads; stress concentration in important structural components; and stress concentration due to impact load (issue recognized during dynamic analysis to simulate the pile driving operation).

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