The advantage of composite riser is more pronounced due to its light weight and reduced axial tension and bending moment. Its characteristics provide more flexibility in the design of riser system such as stress joint, tensioner or even the platform hull. The composite riser under study consists of alternative hoop and axial layers. There is a marginal coupling between these two orientations hence, the riser is spatially orthotropic. The pressure capabilities of riser are governed by the performance of hoop layers under combined fluctuating axial tension and bending moment. The internal steel liner provided to ensure no leakage often limits the composite riser capabilities. The steel liner provided for production inevitably carries major share of loads. An attempt has been made to carry out a detailed local analysis of a segmental length under critical loads. Damage analysis for various combinations of axial tension and bending moment are performed. The results of global analysis are used to act as boundary/initial condition for the local and detailed dynamic analysis of the segmental length modeled as finite element assemblage of shell elements. The critical stress time histories obtained by global analysis are applied at the local level. The composite layers sustained the random stresses that lead to the failure of the composite. Some realistic failure criteria are chosen to check the damage at local level.

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