The simulations of many offshore flow problems are currently facing the physics of complex mixtures of moving fluids. Typical situations where two-phase flow should be taken into account are slamming, wave breaking, slug flows, water entry, LNG sloshing and green water loading.

In the present paper, a recent approach based on phase-field Lattice Boltzmann for high density ratios is examined. This scheme uses two distribution functions, one for pressure and momentum and the other distribution function for density with a compact isotropic differencing scheme to discretize the intermolecular forcing terms. Stress form of the intermolecular forcing terms is used to model pressure and momentum distribution function for its momentum conserving properties while potential form of the intermolecular forcing term is used for order parameter. We discuss the numerical method and implement it by solving various benchmark problems and compare with analytical solutions and results from previous literature. The method alleviates the issue of spurious currents which is investigated through the verification of convergence of Laplace law for a stationary bubble followed by oscillating droplet problem. Then we analyse a case of rising bubble under buoyancy for different Eotvos and Morton numbers and compare it with results from previous literature. To assess the capability of the method to solve complex problems the case of droplet impact on thin film has been performed. This problem studied for different Reynolds Number to examine the phenomenon of splashing and deposition of the droplet on thin films. Finally the capability of the method to simulate offshore problems is demonstrated by studying the ocean wave breaking problem with the periodicity in the flow direction.

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