An adaptive mesh refinement based Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) two-phase method has been employed to simulate the water entry and slamming problems of solid bodies with various geometries. The computations have been performed by using the GFS (Gerris Flow Solver) libraries. Solid boundaries or the interfaces between the solid and the fluid are tracked by a piece-wise linear volume-of-fluid method. The key ingredient in this simulation study is the capability of parallel adaptive refinement along the free-surface interface to capture the interface conditions accurately while using the Eulerian grid based VOF approach. The novelty of this work is that it is the first time to apply GFS libraries and adaptive VOF in solving complex water entry problems to the best of our knowledge. Before applying to a particular application, the adaptive VOF solver is validated by simulating the vertical water entry of a circular disk. The simulations of solid bodies with different geometries such as thin plates are then conducted to investigate the physics of air-cushioning effect during slamming.

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