A truncated steel catenary riser (SCR) model was experimentally tested in the ocean basin by oscillating the top end of the model to simulate the heave and surge vessel motion in order to investigate the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) features. Out-of-plane VIV responses were generally analyzed revealing that although the root mean square (RMS) strain distributed rather broadband, the displacement was quite consistent within a narrowband from 0.2D to 0.3D, and the touch-down point (TDP) area was found not to be the place suffering the maximum out-of-plane VIV response due to near wall effects. What’s more, strong wave propagations were firstly reported and summarized as a distinguished feature for VIV of a SCR under vessel motions, and further results reveal that wave propagation during the ‘lift up’ phase was quite different from that during ‘push down’ in terms of both wave speed and ‘power-in’ region location which is assumed to be caused by the tension variation along the model.

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