In spite of the importance of the flows of two immiscible liquids in diverse range of process, the existing literature does not cover this topic satisfactorily. In the present study, numerical modeling of dispersed oil-water flow through horizontal pipeline has been carried out using Eulerian-Eulerian approach. Three different turbulence models namely the standard k-ε, RNG k-ε and Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) have been used in this study to identify the best model. Numerical solution was performed using FLUENT 6.3.26 and the results regarding the distribution of volume fraction were compared with published experimental and numerical data. According to the present numerical results, the Reynolds Stress Model can predict the distribution of phases better than the used two-equation turbulence models in this study. Furthermore, it was observed that the present model could predict the trend of pressure drop at different water cuts better than the commonly used homogeneous model. However, the accuracy of the results is not much better than the homogeneous model.

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