Over the design life of long tiebacks, project requirements may change in order to accommodate new prospects. These new prospects may have design conditions exceeding those used for the rest of the field and the existing facilities may not be able to withstand the potential increases in pressure arising from new wells. For smaller and accidental increases, the existing system may be proven to be fit for purpose by using a probabilistic approach, or a structural reliability assessment. This approach may eventually reduce the cost of the new prospect by, for example, removing the need for an over-pressure protection system, or removing the need for a dedicated pipeline system. This paper investigates the potential increase in pressure capacity of a main pipeline for an accidental over-pressure condition using a structural reliability analysis and probabilistic approach using as-built data gathered from several projects. The variations on the as-built pipeline properties, the current status of the existing pipeline, and the corresponding operating conditions are taken into account using a Monte Carlo simulation. The results present a burst pressure with an indication of a safety factor and associated with a probability of failure. A comparison between the final results and the pipeline codes target probability of failure is also performed and presented as part of this paper.
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ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
June 9–14, 2013
Nantes, France
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division
Reliability Based Pressure Containment Uprating
Elie Dib,
Elie Dib
Intecsea (UK) Ltd., Knaphill, Surrey, England, UK
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Sherif El-Gebaly,
Sherif El-Gebaly
Intecsea (UK) Ltd., Knaphill, Surrey, England, UK
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Frank Drennan
Frank Drennan
Intecsea (UK) Ltd., Knaphill, Surrey, England, UK
Search for other works by this author on:
Elie Dib
Intecsea (UK) Ltd., Knaphill, Surrey, England, UK
Sherif El-Gebaly
Intecsea (UK) Ltd., Knaphill, Surrey, England, UK
Frank Drennan
Intecsea (UK) Ltd., Knaphill, Surrey, England, UK
Paper No:
OMAE2013-10668, V04AT04A051; 8 pages
Published Online:
November 26, 2013
Dib, E, El-Gebaly, S, & Drennan, F. "Reliability Based Pressure Containment Uprating." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 4A: Pipeline and Riser Technology. Nantes, France. June 9–14, 2013. V04AT04A051. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/OMAE2013-10668
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