Offshore structures are exposed to random wave loading in the ocean environment, and hence the probability distribution of the extreme values of their response to wave loading is of great value in the design of these structures. Due to nonlinearity of the drag component of Morison’s wave loading and also due to intermittency of wave loading on members in the splash zone, the response is often non-Gaussian; therefore, simple techniques for derivation of the probability distribution of extreme responses are not available. Monte Carlo time simulation technique can be used to derive the probabilistic properties of offshore structural response, but the procedure is computationally demanding. Finite-memory nonlinear system (FMNS) modeling of the response of an offshore structure exposed to Morison’s wave loading has been used to reduce the computational effort, but the predictions are not always of high accuracy. In this paper, further development of this technique, which leads to more accurate estimates of the probability distribution of the extreme responses, is reported.

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