Passive turbulence control (PTC) in the form of selectively applied surface roughness is used on a rigid circular cylinder supported by two end-springs in transverse steady flow. The flow-induced motions are enhanced dramatically reaching the limits of the experimental facility and motion mechanism at amplitude to diameter ratio A/D ≅ 3. In comparison to a smooth cylinder, in the fully turbulent shear layer flow regime at Reynolds number on the order of 100,000, PTC initiates VIV earlier at reduce velocity U* ≅ 4, reduces VIV amplitude depending on damping, and initiates galloping at U* ≅ 10 rather than 20. Thus, back-to-back VIV and galloping are achieved expanding the synchronization range of Flow Induced Motion (FIM) beyond U* ≅ 15 and the capabilities of the experimental set-up. The harnessed horizontal hydrokinetic power increased by a factor of four due to increased velocities in the synchronization range without any adjustment of the motion mechanism particulars.

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