A wide range of platform concepts have been investigated for a floating wind turbine. So far analysis and design of motion characteristics of the platform is main research concern. One key research area less focused is floating platform related risk. If the wind energy would be one of the major sources of electric power supply, wind farms which are comprised of large number of floating wind turbines must be deployed in the ocean. Wind turbines are relatively closely arranged in a wind farm. In such an arrangement, a wind turbine accidentally started drifting will have some possibility to collide with floater and moorings of neighboring moored floating wind turbines, and might initiate another drift which might cause progressive drifting of wind turbines. In the previous report, a scenario of progressive drifting of wind turbines was investigated and associated risk was formulated. Quantitative risk of several arrangements of wind farm was estimated. Effects of arrangement of wind turbines in a wind farm and safety factor used in the design of moorings is discussed. Probability of initial drift was evaluated analyzing past records of accidents and design of mooring. In this research, strength of mooring system was modeled more precisely and probabilistic model was developed considering aged deterioration. Risk of progressive drifting was evaluated and safety factor required to realize a acceptable risk of a wind farm was discussed.

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