One of the most developed technologies in ocean energy is the OWC concept. In this kind of device there is a turbine which plays an essential role, it is one of the factors which determine the efficiency of the system because of its own efficiency and its coupling with the chamber. One of the main characteristics in a turbine for OWC purposes, especially impulse turbines, is to use Guide vanes to optimize the energy extraction. However, they also are the largest source of losses. Improving the Guide vanes performance could reduce the pressure drop and, thus, the efficiency increases and the damping becomes smaller. In this paper the solidity of the guide vanes is analyzed to determine the optimum one. The study has been conducted on a radial impulse turbine with pitch-controlled guide vanes to minimize the incidence losses and, therefore, analyze the effect of the solidity. Experimental tests were carried out to validate a numerical model created in FLUENT®. The numerical model has been used to analyze the same turbine design but with different solidities of the guide vanes. The results have been conclusive: there is an optimal solidity for the guide vanes, which maximize the turbine efficiency by means of improving the guide vanes performance. Moreover, it has been seen that the optimum solidity is different for the inner and outer guide vanes.

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