J-CDS and IHC Merwede have set up a programme to perform a hands-on introductory Concurrent Design (CD) Lite™ activity on a relevant subject. The goal of this CD Lite™ activity is to convey a first idea of the CD methodology to a selected team of IHC engineers. This activity will be evaluated to assess the potential and applicability of the full Concurrent Design methodology at IHC Merwede. Concurrent Design is a methodology for the early design phases. With a multidisciplinary team of stakeholders the design work is done in collocated sessions. The strong points of Concurrent Design are creating an integrated design in the form of parameters and enabling good communication and exchange of information between team members, including the customer. An activity consists of several clear phases: preparation, the collocated design sessions, followed by a reporting phase. The CD Lite™ activity consists of a preparation and two full days of sessions. The central questions for the sessions is to assess the scalability of two current trencher systems, a plough and a mechanical trencher, to cope with higher demands and requirements, most notably an increased target depth of the trench. The design is driven by reliability, availability and performance. In the sessions, the design team worked out two design options in three iterations and made comparisons between these to see in how far they are able to meet the requirements. The goal was achieved to provide some answers related to the trencher system questions for 2 options by performing 3 iterations per option. The main goal was achieved, i.e. in the short time of preparation and 2 days of sessions the CDLite™ experience has given the first insight to the design team and part of the management of IHC Merwede of the potential of Concurrent Design. The team members were positive about the CD methodology and the process. Positive remarks were given on the structured and transparent way of cooperation and the fast interaction that is possible with CD. The face to face communication was found very valuable. Having a team of experts in the room was perceived to be beneficial for the decision process. These experts can give a direct response to issues or problems, giving an insight on the impact of their decisions. Through working on a central database, it becomes clear what the relevant parameters in a design are in a design cycle. This approach is expected to improve the design process at IHC Merwede, especially in the field of innovative product developments that continue to push back the technical limitations in the maritime sector.

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