Tenaris and Centro Sviluppo Materiali (CSM) launched a Joint Industrial Project aimed at developing heavy wall line pipes. The suitability for very severe applications, involving high service pressures and temperatures, the latter causing large strain fluctuations, in presence of an aggressive sour environment, is analyzed both theoretically and experimentally, including small and full scale pipe models. The full project program aims at developing a new generation heavy wall product, supported by: comprehensive laboratory analysis of the material response under severe mechanical loading in aggressive environment; and full scale testing program, including both pipe and girth weld. Both investigations are mainly addressed to the basic understanding of impact on design criteria from interaction between severe loading and aggressive environment. Three papers have been already presented, in previous OMAE conferences, on this project. In the present paper, main outcomes of laboratory testing activities of the above program on girth welds for double jointing (fill passes by Submerged Arc Welding) are reported. A fitted for purpose special testing program, including mechanical and SSC laboratory scale testing, has been executed. Full thickness longitudinal specimens were extracted crossing girth weld to apply severe strain cycling. The strain cycling has been defined as extreme in terms of resistance against ratcheting for the pressurized pipeline, as deduced in a work reported in one of the previously mentioned papers. The girth welds exhibited very satisfactory performance during severe cyclic straining. Furthermore, mechanical and stress-corrosion properties of the As-Weld girth joint have been compared with the corresponding properties after severe straining and ageing. This comparison highlighted high level of mechanical and SSC resistance, even after the application of severe straining and ageing.

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