Researchers from Petrobras and LAMCSO/COPPE/UFRJ are currently involved in the development and implementation of a computational tool, based in Evolutionary Algorithms, for the synthesis and optimization of submarine pipeline routes. In this tool, randomly generated candidate routes are evaluated in terms of several criteria, incorporated in an objective (or fitness) function to take into account the relevant aspects that should be considered in the design of a route. A previous work [1] described the initial steps taken towards the development of such tool. In that work, attention was dedicated to the geometrical representation of a route, and to some of the terms of the objective function associated with a preliminary, global step of the optimization process (such as total pipeline length, and geographical-topographical issues associated with the route geometry and to the seabottom bathymetry and obstacles). Now, this work focuses in other aspects related to the structural behavior of the pipe, under hydrostatic and environmental loadings; more specifically, special attention is dedicated to the implementation of On-Bottom Stability (OBS) criteria such as the proposed in the RP-F109 code [2]. Case studies are presented to illustrate the use of the optimization tool and to assess the influence of the OBS criteria.

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