The UOE-SAWL pipe manufacturing process introduces considerable plastic deformations and residual stresses to feedstock plate material. Previous experimental and analytical studies have demonstrated that the effects of this process, predominantly in its final expansion stage, significantly reduce the collapse resistance of deepwater linepipe. Finite element analyses, sensitivity analyses and full-scale tests were conducted by Tenaris and C-FER Technologies (C-FER) over the last several years to better comprehend the impact of cold forming on collapse resistance. This paper presents the findings of the latest segment of this ongoing study, the objective of which was to optimize the collapse resistance of UOE-SAWL linepipe by varying three key thermal ageing parameters: time, temperature and number of thermal cycles. Six X70M and four X80M UOE pipe samples were manufactured and thermally treated with varied parameters. Full-scale collapse and buckle propagation tests were then carried out in an experimental chamber that simulates deepwater conditions. These experimental results were evaluated with respect to collapse predictions from API RP 1111 and DNV OS-F101. Material and ring splitting tests were also performed on samples obtained from these pipes to better assess the extent of the UOE pipe collapse resistance recovery. The outcomes of this study will be employed to further optimize the collapse resistance of subsea linepipe in order to reduce material and offshore installation costs.
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ASME 2011 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
June 19–24, 2011
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division
The Influence of the UOE-SAWL Forming Process on the Collapse Resistance of Deepwater Linepipe
Luciano O. Mantovano,
Luciano O. Mantovano
Tenaris Group, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Mohamed R. Chebaro,
Mohamed R. Chebaro
C-FER Technologies, Edmonton, AB, Canada
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Hugo A. Ernst,
Hugo A. Ernst
Tenaris Group, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Marcos de Souza,
Marcos de Souza
Tenaris Confab, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil
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Chris M. Timms,
Chris M. Timms
C-FER Technologies, Edmonton, AB, Canada
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Luis C. Chad
Luis C. Chad
Tenaris Confab, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil
Search for other works by this author on:
Luciano O. Mantovano
Tenaris Group, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mohamed R. Chebaro
C-FER Technologies, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Hugo A. Ernst
Tenaris Group, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Marcos de Souza
Tenaris Confab, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil
Chris M. Timms
C-FER Technologies, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Luis C. Chad
Tenaris Confab, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil
Paper No:
OMAE2011-49254, pp. 229-237; 9 pages
Published Online:
October 31, 2011
Mantovano, LO, Chebaro, MR, Ernst, HA, de Souza, M, Timms, CM, & Chad, LC. "The Influence of the UOE-SAWL Forming Process on the Collapse Resistance of Deepwater Linepipe." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 4: Pipeline and Riser Technology. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. June 19–24, 2011. pp. 229-237. ASME.
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