This paper presents the new active absorption wave basin constructed at the University of Sa˜o Paulo (USP), in the Numerical Offshore Tank (TPN) Laboratory. The square (14m × 14m) tank is able to generate and absorb waves from 0.5Hz to 2.0Hz, by means of 148 active flap-type wavemakers. An independent mechanical system drives each flap by means of a 1HP servo-motor and a ball-screw based transmission system. A customized ultrasonic wave probe is installed in each flap, and is responsible for the measurement of wave elevation in the flap. These sensors do not require constant calibration, differently from the capacitive or resistive sensors normally used in similar tanks. A complex automation architecture was implemented, with 3 Programmable Logic Computers (PLC), and a low-level software is responsible for all the interlocks and maintenance functions of the tank. Furthermore, all the control algorithms for the generation and absorption are implemented using higher level software (MATLAB®/Simulink block diagrams). These algorithms calculate the motions of the wavemakers both to generate and absorb the required wave field by taking into account the layout of the flaps and the limits of wave generation. The experimental transfer function that relates the flap motion to the generated wave is used for the calculation of the motion of each flap. Absorption tests were conducted with a prototype wave generator in a 2D wave flume with regular waves. Two different algorithms were tested. The first one is the frequency domain method based on Maeda et al. (2004), in which the commanded variable is the motor velocity. Furthermore, the time domain algorithm proposed by Schaffer (1996) was also tested. It is based on a digital filter and uses the position of the motor as the commanded variable. Both algorithms have hydrodynamic feedback based on the measurement of surface elevation at each flap. The first algorithm needs an extensive test procedure to calibrate its control parameters while the second one, after optimizing the digital filter, is ready to use. Both algorithms presented similar results with reflection coefficient smaller than 10.7% for regular waves in the frequency range of 0.5 to 2.0 Hz. The paper also presents the first results obtained in the tank.

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