A new practical method to simulate time-dependent material properties of polyester mooring line is proposed. The time-dependent material properties of polyester rope are modeled with a standard linear solid (SLS) model, which is one of the simplest forms of a linear viscoelastic model. The viscoelastic model simulates most of the mechanical properties of polyester rope such as creep, strain-stress hysteresis and excitation period-dependent stiffness. The strain rate-stress relation of the SLS model has been re-formulated to a stretch-tension relation, which is more suitable for implementation into global performance and mooring analyses tools for floating platforms. The new model has been implemented to a time-domain global performance analysis software and applied to simulate motion of a spar platform with chain-polyester-chain mooring system. The new model provides accurate platform offset without any approximation on the mean environmental load and can simulate the transient effect due to the loss of a mooring line during storm conditions, which has not been possible to simulate using existing dual-stiffness models.

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