This paper presents a numerical based study on the undrained load capacity of a typical torpedo anchor embedded in a purely cohesive isotropic soil using a three-dimensional nonlinear finite element (FE) model. In this model, the soil is simulated with solid elements capable of representing its nonlinear physical behavior as well as the large deformations involved. The torpedo anchor is also modeled with solid elements and its complex geometry is represented. Moreover, the anchor-soil interaction is addressed with contact finite elements that allow relative sliding with friction between the surfaces in contact. Various analyses are conducted in order to understand the response of this type of anchor when different soil undrained shear strengths, load directions as well as number and width of flukes are considered. The obtained results point to two different failure mechanisms: one that mobilizes a great amount of soil and is directly related to its lateral resistance; and a second one that mobilizes a small amount of soil and is related to the vertical resistance of the soil. Besides, the total contact area of the anchor seems to be an important parameter in the determination of its load capacity and, consequently, the increase of the undrained shear strength and the number of flukes and/or their width significantly increases the load capacity of the anchor.

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