Steel Catenary Risers (SCR) are critical dynamic structures with a complex fatigue response. The offshore industry lacks verification of analytical models with full-scale response measurements. Only a small number of installed SCRs have any instrumentation to monitor dynamic response. This paper describes an on-line monitoring system deployed on one of the Tahiti infield (production) SCRs. Tahiti is a Truss Spar Floater located in 4,000 ft water depth in the Gulf of Mexico. The system is configured with localized strain and motion measurement devices. Emphasis is placed on the selection of number and location of the monitoring devices to characterize vessel induced riser response, VIV induced riser response, riser-seabed interface, and discontinuities at the riser hang-off locations. Monitoring device sensitivity requirements and qualification programs are also discussed. The monitoring system configuration drivers are reviewed in detail such as; monitoring objectives, instrumentation requirements, specification and architecture, field development integration, and installation. Information provided in this paper would be helpful for configuration of complex monitoring systems for deepwater steel catenary rises.

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