Transportation of multiphase flows in hydrocarbon mining and processing, such as in sub-sea flow lines, often requires the fluid to be heated to reduce viscosity and prevent solidification within the pipeline. However, conventional metallic pipelines used in this application are prone to external corrosion from the surrounding oceanic water and internal metal loss caused by corrosion and abrasive particles within the multiphase fluid. Fibre-reinforced polymeric composite pipes are an economical means for mitigating these shortcomings by providing increased corrosion and abrasion resistance. As such, the current paper examines the small-scale preliminary design of a novel vacuum-insulated dual-walled composite pipe as a means of overcoming the aforementioned limitations. The inner and outer walls are based on a recently developed intrinsically-bonded lined-composite pipe; the polymeric liner serves to: (1) prevent degradation of the vacuum created in the annulus between the internally-lined inner and externally-lined outer walls, and (2) help prevent abrasion/corrosion of the composite pipe. Furthermore, by utilizing filament-wound pipes, a health monitoring system can be readily incorporated into the composite structure via electrical or optical fibres. The aim of this article is to: (a) outline the pipe structure, and (b) describe the laboratory based manufacturing and testing protocols.

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