Cylindrical Shells are widely used in many structural designs, such as offshore structures, liquid storage tanks, submarine hulls, and airplane hulls. Most of these structures are required to operate in a dynamic environment. Therefore, investigating the dynamic characteristics of cylindrical shells is very critical in developing a strategy for modal vibration control for specific operating conditions. Reduction of vibration amplitudes and in sound radiation is most efficiently achieved at the design stage, and the acoustic signatures may be determined by considering operational scenarios, and modal characteristics. In cylindrical shells, mode shapes associated with each natural frequency are combination of Radial, Longitudinal, and Circumferential modes, and unlike those of beam structure, the lowest natural frequency does not necessarily correspond to the lowest wave index. In fact, the natural frequencies do not fall in ascending order of the wave index in cylindrical shells. The ratio of membrane strain energy to total strain energy is high for modes with simple modal patterns and decrease toward zero as the number of nodal (n) lines increase, while the ratio of bending energy to total strain energy is small for simple nodal patterns and increase with increase in complexity of it. Modes associated with membrane deformation require a lot of strain energy while modes associated with bending deformation require less strain energy. The lowest natural frequency occurs where the sum of the two energies are at minimum. Moreover, the natural frequencies that are controlled by membrane strain energy are approximately independent of the shell thickness change. In this paper, a scaled model of submarine hull segment under shear diaphragm boundary conditions is analyzed analytically and numerically. Then the experimental modal analysis of the scaled model utilizing strain gauges was performed to decouple the strain components. Designing a boundary condition that simulate a shear diaphragm is very challenging task by itself. The experimental data were correlated with those results obtained analytically and numerically using the finite element methods using MSC.NASTRAN software. The results were found to be in excellent agreement.

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