The main motive for producing the “Wind and Wave Atlas of the Hellenic Seas” was the increasing demand for wave and wind data in coastal and offshore areas of the Hellenic and the adjacent seas. Furthermore, the need for an updated description of the wind and wave climate was evident, as the only available Atlas for the Hellenic Seas was produced 16 years ago and was solely based on visual observations. The hindcast data of the new Atlas have been generated by numerical models of high spatial and temporal resolution, so that the main characteristic features of the wind and wave climate are represented as precisely as possible. The data cover a 10-year period (1995–2004) and are presented in a comprehensive form as charts of the spatial distribution of specific wind and wave parameters and in the form of frequency histograms in seasonal and annual basis. Systematic measured in-situ data are also released for the first time. Based on the Atlas results, a description of the main aspects of the wind and wave climate of the Hellenic Seas is attempted. In this connection, the new Atlas could be a decision support tool for long-term operational applications.

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