In this paper, a description of the numerical model NMLSE is presented. This model solves the time dependent non linear mild slope equation, without including energy dissipation due to wave breaking [1]. Some modifications are made in the boundary conditions of the original version of the model in order to overcome the numerical oscillation problems detected in the work done by [2]. To evaluate the effectiveness of the new versions of the model, they are applied to test cases of the bibliography and to a bar-trough profile beach for which there are data from physical model tests. The basic theoretical formulation of a new momentum equation that includes energy dissipation due to wave breaking is also presented. The energy dissipation due to wave breaking is included through the addition of a dissipative term based in the eddy viscosity concept.
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ASME 2008 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
June 15–20, 2008
Estoril, Portugal
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division
Analysis of Numerical Oscillation Problems in a Non Linear Time Dependent Mild Slope Model and First Developments for the Implementation of Wave Breaking
Ana Catarina Zo´zimo,
Ana Catarina Zo´zimo
LNEC/DHA/NPE, Lisbon, Portugal
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Conceic¸a˜o Fortes
Conceic¸a˜o Fortes
LNEC/DHA/NPE, Lisbon, Portugal
Search for other works by this author on:
Ana Catarina Zo´zimo
LNEC/DHA/NPE, Lisbon, Portugal
Conceic¸a˜o Fortes
LNEC/DHA/NPE, Lisbon, Portugal
Paper No:
OMAE2008-57611, pp. 425-432; 8 pages
Published Online:
July 27, 2009
Zo´zimo, AC, & Fortes, C. "Analysis of Numerical Oscillation Problems in a Non Linear Time Dependent Mild Slope Model and First Developments for the Implementation of Wave Breaking." Proceedings of the ASME 2008 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Volume 4: Ocean Engineering; Offshore Renewable Energy. Estoril, Portugal. June 15–20, 2008. pp. 425-432. ASME.
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