To improve the safety and efficiency of trans-ocean voyage, authors developed a new onboard weather routing system (so called SORAS). The system utilizes weather forecasting data to evaluate seakeeping performance and to generate optimized route plan with respect to fuel consumption and sailing time. The system can provide decision support for navigator in real time. For this feature, onboard wave measurement system and hull stress monitoring system are integrated to provide real time wave information and actual hull stress and bow acceleration. The optimal route depends on not only weather condition but also ship’s propulsion performance. We performed a simulation study to determine the accuracy limit of mathematical model for propulsion performance. To evaluate the system, we compared calculation results with actual voyage data. The estimation results of speed reduction and fuel consumption showed good coincidence with measurement results. The wave bending moment was estimated on the forecasted wave condition. The results were compared with measured wave bending moment. For optimal route, it was confirmed that the efficiency of optimal route is superior to the efficiency of the actual route which planned by captains or officers, and the improvement of efficiency would be significant.
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ASME 2008 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
June 15–20, 2008
Estoril, Portugal
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division
Development and Evaluation of Optimal Routing System
Gunil Park,
Gunil Park
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
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Jaewoong Choi,
Jaewoong Choi
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
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Jinho Lee,
Jinho Lee
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
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Munsung Kim,
Munsung Kim
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
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Changseon Bang,
Changseon Bang
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
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Yuntae Kang,
Yuntae Kang
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
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Munkeun Ha
Munkeun Ha
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
Search for other works by this author on:
Gunil Park
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
Jaewoong Choi
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
Jinho Lee
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
Munsung Kim
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
Changseon Bang
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
Yuntae Kang
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
Munkeun Ha
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kyoungnam, South Korea
Paper No:
OMAE2008-57345, pp. 201-209; 9 pages
Published Online:
July 27, 2009
Park, G, Choi, J, Lee, J, Kim, M, Bang, C, Kang, Y, & Ha, M. "Development and Evaluation of Optimal Routing System." Proceedings of the ASME 2008 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Volume 4: Ocean Engineering; Offshore Renewable Energy. Estoril, Portugal. June 15–20, 2008. pp. 201-209. ASME.
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