It has been demonstrated in previous work that, for deepwater applications, the cold forming processes involved in UOE pipe manufacturing significantly reduces pipe collapse strength. To improve the understanding of these manufacturing effects, Tenaris has embarked on a program to model the phases of the UOE manufacturing process using finite element analysis simulations. Phase 1 of this work, presented previously in the literature [1], formulated the basis for the model development and described the 2D approach taken to model the various steps of manufacture. This paper presents the results of the Phase 2 work, and includes a description of the enhancements made to the modeling approach, a summary of the full-scale collapse testing performed at C-FER, and a comparison of the model predictions to the test results. Variations are made to the simulated manufacturing process in order to evaluate the sensitivity of collapse strength to key parameters. Based on the modeling approach taken, the findings of the Phase 2 work have shown that the deterioration of the collapse pressure diminishes with increasing O-press compression. The residual stress value is the most sensitive parameter when the strain hardening varies. It increases with the compression ratio and with the strain hardening value. In addition, given the assumed compression ratio of the test pipes, predictive behavior of the test results was found to be acceptable.

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