In the present work the action of earthquakes upon offshore jacket structures is analysed by means of ADINA software. Our case-study refers to an existing model structure, previously constructed at the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics of UBI, which has been analysed from the hydrodynamic point of view — Mendes et al. [1, 2]. The seismic excitation will be imposed at the base of this model structure, with frequencies and amplitudes corresponding to actual earthquake conditions transposed to the model scale of 1:45. The FEM software is utilised to calculate the natural frequencies of the model and to obtain stresses at selected members, as well as their nodal displacements. Our purpose is to quantify maximum stresses occurring in critical structural members and to verify the survivability criterion. The predictions of the numerical model, in terms of the reaction forces at the base and acceleration at the top of the structure, are then correlated with the experimental measurements performed when the model structure is excited in an especially designed shaking table (Correia [3]), revealing a good agreement between both results.

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