In preparation for the near future deep-water exploitation in the Mexican oil industry, the Mexican Petroleum Institute and Pemex carried out the first oceanographic sub-surface mooring installation in deep waters, in Lankahuasa area in 1500 m water depth. The aim of this project is to supply the necessary water column information for planning, installation, development and production activities for the Mexican offshore industry. Parameters measured include, current velocities, current direction, internal waves as well as traditional water quality measurements. Profiles of conductivity, temperature and Depth (CTD) from 100 m up to 2,500 m water depths were obtained from cruises where samples were taken over a wide area during January and February 2005. Salinity and density are calculated from CTD data. Oceanographical parameters were measured by 3 ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profile) and by 2 current meters in the entire water column. The oceanographic situation during the deployment was characterized by the presence of an anticyclonic (clockwise rotating) eddy and a cyclonic one in the area, located to the north of 21° N. Both eddies were slowly propagating in a general southward direction.

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