Ocean storage of CO2 is one of greenhouse gas control technologies, where CO2 captured from flue gas of fossil fuels is injected into deep sea below 3500m depth to be sequestered from the atmosphere. A CO2 sending method, COSMOS, was proposed as a method of ocean storage, which enables CO2 drops released in mid-depth water to descend to deep sea floor below the depth of 3500m. Then, the authors have worked for development and evaluation of COSMOS. In the first phase of the COSMOS project, the concept of COSMOS was demonstrated by in situ experiments of small-scale CO2 releasing at mid-depth water in Monterey Bay, U.S.A. Three models of CO2 releasing nozzle unit were developed for the experiments. The first model of nozzle unit released liquid CO2 as one mass; however, it was immediately broken into small droplets and soon turned to ascend. The second and third models were designed to have thermal insulator enough to keep low temperature so that both models successfully released liquid CO2 with dry ice, which continued descending for a few minutes. Based on these results, COSMOS was improved, where injection of a mixture of liquid CO2 and dry ice, CO2 slurry, is expected to enable small CO2 drops to descend to deep sea floor below 3500m depth. Then, in the second phase of the COSMOS project, the authors started an investigation on the effect of the aspects of releasing nozzle on the behavior of released slurry drops, and obtained a few results from lab experiment of CO2 slurry releasing from two types of nozzle head.
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25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
June 4–9, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering Division
Study on CO2 Releasing Nozzle for CO2 Ocean Storage
Yasuharu Nakajima,
Yasuharu Nakajima
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
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Hideyuki Shirota,
Hideyuki Shirota
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
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Ryuji Kojima,
Ryuji Kojima
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
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Kenji Yamane,
Kenji Yamane
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
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Izuo Aya,
Izuo Aya
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
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Sadahiro Namie,
Sadahiro Namie
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
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Kenkichi Tamura
Kenkichi Tamura
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Search for other works by this author on:
Yasuharu Nakajima
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Hideyuki Shirota
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Ryuji Kojima
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Kenji Yamane
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Izuo Aya
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Sadahiro Namie
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Kenkichi Tamura
National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Paper No:
OMAE2006-92216, pp. 409-416; 8 pages
Published Online:
October 2, 2008
Nakajima, Y, Shirota, H, Kojima, R, Yamane, K, Aya, I, Namie, S, & Tamura, K. "Study on CO2 Releasing Nozzle for CO2 Ocean Storage." Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Volume 4: Terry Jones Pipeline Technology; Ocean Space Utilization; CFD and VIV Symposium. Hamburg, Germany. June 4–9, 2006. pp. 409-416. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/OMAE2006-92216
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