The development of deep water gas fields using trunklines to carry the gas to the markets is sometime limited by the feasibility/economics of the construction phase. In particular there is a market for using S-lay vessels in water depth larger than 1000m. The S-lay feasibility depends on the applicable tension at the tensioner which is a function of water depth, stinger length and stinger curvature (for given stinger length by its curvature). This means that, without major vessel up-grading and to avoid too long stingers that are prone to damages caused by environmental loads, the application of larger stinger curvatures than presently allowed by current regulations/state of the art is needed. The work presented in this paper is a result of the project “Development of a Design Guideline for Submarine Pipeline Installation” sponsored by STATOIL and HYDRO. The technical activities are performed in co-operation by DNV, STATOIL and SNAMPROGETTI. The scope of the project is to produce a LRFD (Load Resistant Factor Design) design guideline to be used in the definition and application of design criteria for the laying phase e.g. to S and J-lay methods/equipment. The guideline covers D/t from 15 to 45 and applied strains over the overbend in excess of 0.5%. This paper addresses the failure modes relevant for combined high curvatures/strains, axial, external pressure and local forces due to roller over the stinger of an S-lay vessel and to sea bottom contacts, particularly: • Residual pipe ovality after laying, • Maximum strain and bending moment capacity. Analytical equations are proposed in accordance with DNV OS F101 philosophy and design format.

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