Structural integrity analyses are used to guarantee the reliability of critical engineering components under certain conditions of interest. In general, the involved parameters have statistical distributions. Choosing a single set of values for the parameters of interest does not show the real statistical distribution of the output parameters. In particular, offshore pipes installation by reeling is a matter of concern due to the severe conditions of the process. Since it is necessary to guarantee the integrity of the pipes, a probabilistic fracture mechanics reliability analysis seems to be the most adequate approach. In this work, a probabilistic fracture mechanics assessment approach to perform the structural reliability analysis of tubes subjected to a reeling process was developed. This procedure takes into account the statistical distributions of the material properties and pipe geometry, using a fracture mechanics approach and the Monte Carlo method. Two-parameter Weibull distributions were used to model the variability of the input parameters. The assessment procedure was implemented as a self-contained executable program. The program outputs are: the statistical distribution of critical crack size, amount of crack extension, final crack size and the cumulative probability of failure for a given crack size. A particular case of interest was studied; a seamless tube - OD 323.9 × wt 14.3 mm, was analyzed. Tolerable defect size limits (defect depth vs. defect length curves) for different probability of failure levels were obtained. A sensitivity analysis was performed; the effect of material fracture toughness and misalignment was studied.
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25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
June 4–9, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering Division
Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Structural Reliability Analysis of Reeled Pipes
Ricardo Schifini,
Ricardo Schifini
TENARIS, Campana, Argentina
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Richard E. Bravo,
Richard E. Bravo
TENARIS, Campana, Argentina
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Diego N. Passarella,
Diego N. Passarella
TENARIS, Campana, Argentina
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Federico Daguerre,
Federico Daguerre
TENARIS TAMSA, Veracruz, Mexico
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Marco Tivelli
Marco Tivelli
TENARIS SIDERCA, Campana, Argentina
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Hugo A. Ernst
TENARIS, Campana, Argentina
Ricardo Schifini
TENARIS, Campana, Argentina
Richard E. Bravo
TENARIS, Campana, Argentina
Diego N. Passarella
TENARIS, Campana, Argentina
Federico Daguerre
TENARIS TAMSA, Veracruz, Mexico
Marco Tivelli
TENARIS SIDERCA, Campana, Argentina
Paper No:
OMAE2006-92474, pp. 601-608; 8 pages
Published Online:
October 2, 2008
Ernst, HA, Schifini, R, Bravo, RE, Passarella, DN, Daguerre, F, & Tivelli, M. "Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Structural Reliability Analysis of Reeled Pipes." Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Volume 3: Safety and Reliability; Materials Technology; Douglas Faulkner Symposium on Reliability and Ultimate Strength of Marine Structures. Hamburg, Germany. June 4–9, 2006. pp. 601-608. ASME.
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