Ship maintenance scheduling management integrated with risk evaluation and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) assessment approach is developed in this research. It improves upon existing practices in arranging an optimal maintenance schedule by modeling operational and economical risks. This paper researches maintenance scheduling algorithm with explicitly consider risks associated with some operation problems such as operating schedule, routes, ship position, resources availability, and achievement of reliability-availability-maintainability (RAM) of system. Modeling of components RAM with their failures consequences results risk evaluation. Time value of maintenance cost, replacement cost, earning rate, and penalty cost are also simulated. When the system reaches the lowest level of lower limit reliability, one or more components should be maintained or replaced. Since maintenance task may interrupt the operation, to minimize time-to-maintain all possible events of maintaining other components at the same time will be evaluated together with resources availability. By researching those possibilities, constraining the risk, and based on LCC calculation result, an optimal maintenance scheduling can be then well established.
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25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
June 4–9, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering Division
Optimizing Ship Machinery Maintenance Scheduling Through Risk Analysis and Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Lahar Baliwangi,
Lahar Baliwangi
Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan
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Hidetoshi Arima,
Hidetoshi Arima
Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan
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Ketut Buda Artana
Ketut Buda Artana
Institute of Technology of Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
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Lahar Baliwangi
Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan
Kenji Ishida
Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan
Hidetoshi Arima
Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan
Ketut Buda Artana
Institute of Technology of Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Paper No:
OMAE2006-92201, pp. 127-134; 8 pages
Published Online:
October 2, 2008
Baliwangi, L, Ishida, K, Arima, H, & Artana, KB. "Optimizing Ship Machinery Maintenance Scheduling Through Risk Analysis and Life Cycle Cost Analysis." Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Volume 3: Safety and Reliability; Materials Technology; Douglas Faulkner Symposium on Reliability and Ultimate Strength of Marine Structures. Hamburg, Germany. June 4–9, 2006. pp. 127-134. ASME.
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