Sophisticated frequency and time domain software tools are available for the global performance analysis of Tension Leg Platforms (TLP). Time-domain tools allow realistic simulation of the response of TLP systems compared to frequency-domain tools, but they are generally computationally intensive. Rapid advances in computer technology have made it possible to employ sophisticated time-domain techniques as primary tools for the global performance analysis of TLP systems. However, response characteristics such as higher-order tendon response, wave-runup, airgap etc. cannot still be accurately predicted using the available numerical tools. Wave basin model tests, therefore, are indispensable to designers for estimating responses that cannot be reliably predicted. At the same time, using model tests alone as an analysis tool is not practical due to large number of design cases typically defined in global performance analysis. It is necessary to verify and calibrate numerical tools using model test data prior to their application in global performance analysis. This paper describes a methodology for calibrating and correlating predicted response from time-domain software tools against wave basin model tests. The application of correlation data in conjunction with predicted response to obtain various design quantities of interest has been investigated. Discussion for determination of model test correlated design maximum/minimum tendon tension, higher-order tendon tension response, and incorporation of vortex induced motion is presented.

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