The present work treats the problem of the calculation of the natural frequencies and the corresponding bending vibration modes of vertical slender structures. The originality of the study lies on fact that for the derivation of natural frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes, all physical properties that influence the bending vibration of the structure were considered including the aspect of the variation of tension. The resulting mathematical formulation incorporates all principal contributions such as the bending stiffness, the weight and the tension variation. The governing equation is treated using a perturbation approach. The application of this method results to the development of two boundary layer problems at the ends of the structure. These problems are treated properly using a boundary layer problem solution methodology in order to obtain asymptotic approximations to the shape of the vibrating riser-type structure. It should be noted that in this work the term ‘boundary layer’ is not connected with fluid flows but it is used to indicate the narrow region across which the dependent variable undergoes very rapid changes. Frequently these narrow regions adjoin the boundaries of the domain of intersect, especially when the small parameter multiplies the highest derivative.
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25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
June 4–9, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering Division
Solution of the Boundary Layer Problems for Calculating the Natural Modes of Riser-Type Slender Structures
Ioannis K. Chatjigeorgiou
Ioannis K. Chatjigeorgiou
National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
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Ioannis K. Chatjigeorgiou
National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Paper No:
OMAE2006-92390, pp. 409-414; 6 pages
Published Online:
October 2, 2008
Chatjigeorgiou, IK. "Solution of the Boundary Layer Problems for Calculating the Natural Modes of Riser-Type Slender Structures." Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Volume 1: Offshore Technology; Offshore Wind Energy; Ocean Research Technology; LNG Specialty Symposium. Hamburg, Germany. June 4–9, 2006. pp. 409-414. ASME.
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