FITNET is a four-year European thematic network with the objective of developing and extending the use of fitness-for-service (FFS) procedures for welded and non-welded metallic structures throughout Europe. It is partly funded by the European Commission within the fifth framework program and it was launched in February 2002. The network currently consists of about 50 organisations from 17 European countries and supported by institutions from USA, Japan and Korea. Further information can be found in the FITNET TN website: The FITNET FFS Procedure is built up in four major analysis modules namely fracture, fatigue, creep and corrosion. The first official draft is available in early 2006 in the form of an official CEN document. Industrial components are as a rule exposed to fluctuating loads and hence consideration of fatigue damages accumulation or of fatigue crack growth is a critical issue. The aim of this paper is to present the features and the main analysis routes of the FITNET FFE Fatigue Module of the FITNET FFS Procedure to assess the fatigue life of the load carrying metallic components manufactured with and without welds. The paper includes an industrial case from ship structure for the application of two fatigue assessment routes.

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