Dynamic positioning systems (DPS) comprise the utilization of active propulsion to maintain the position and heading of a vessel. Sensors are used to measure the actual position of the floating body, and a control algorithm is responsible for the calculation of forces to be applied to each propeller, in order to counteract all environmental forces, including wind, waves and current loads. The controller cannot directly compensate motions in the sea waves frequency range, since they would require an enormous power to be attenuated, possibly causing damage to the propeller system. A filtering algorithm is then used to separate high frequency components from the low frequency ones, which are indeed controlled. Usual commercial systems apply Kalman filtering technique to perform such task, which includes a full model of the system. Furthermore, an adaptive on-line estimation algorithm is also used to evaluate the wave peak frequency, since the model in Kalman Filter depends on such parameter. The controller itself is based on a simple proportional-derivative (PD) actions. This paper presents all the mathematical formulation of the Kalman Filter, adaptive algorithm and the controller used in commercial DPS and performs a critical analysis of those models. Some illustrative results of a dynamic positioned shuttle vessel are presented, considering the incidence of waves, current and winds.

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