Pemex Exploration Produccio´n owns and operates several fields in the Bay of Campeche, located in the south Gulf of Mexico, for oil and gas production. Many of these fixed offshore platforms were built during the 70s and 80s and have already exceeded their design service life. In order to meet the growing demand for oil and natural gas it is necessary to extend the service life of these platforms by at least another 15 to 30 years. To meet this extended service life, thorough and systematic reassessment studies need to be conducted leading to identification of any structural weakness and possible locations of fatigue problems. To extend the fatigue life of the welded joints, inspections are required to be performed according to a risk based inspection planning procedure. In the present paper, an overview of the reassessment study procedure is outlined and pertinent results are presented for more than twenty platforms which were studied in a recent project. The most important engineering considerations and various analyses involved in the study are discussed in detail. The platforms cover the categories of Drilling, Production, Gathering and Habitation. Depending on the category, Pemex specifications assign different levels of acceptable reliabilities and reserve strength ratios. The ultimate strength of the platforms is determined using a detailed finite element model of jacket, piles and deck structures and a state-of-the-art non-linear progressive collapse analysis technique commonly known as ‘pushover’ analysis. The analytical structural models include local joint flexibility of the jacket joints, soil-pile interaction, geometric non-linearity and material plasticity. They also include the information of damages and deterioration obtained from inspection reports, such as dents, bents, cracks etc. The joint strength modeling is performed using the latest available procedures that use non-linear load-deformation curves. Fatigue analyses are based on spectral analysis technique and include the dynamic response of the structure to wave loads. The structural models for fatigue analysis include the effects of local joint flexibility (LJF) and soil-pile interaction. Results for one typical platform are presented in complete detail to facilitate the understanding of the reassessment study procedure. A typical risk based inspection planning for extending fatigue service life is also presented. Finally, the summary of results for 28 platforms is presented to appreciate the importance of the various analytical parameters. It is hoped that this very wide database of results for platforms of different configurations can serve as a useful resource for the offshore industry in general.
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ASME 2005 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
June 12–17, 2005
Halkidiki, Greece
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division
An Overview of the Reassessment Studies of Fixed Offshore Platforms in the Bay of Campeche, Mexico
Partha Chakrabarti,
Partha Chakrabarti
Zentech, Inc., Houston, TX
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Ibrahim Abu-Odeh,
Ibrahim Abu-Odeh
Zentech, Inc., Houston, TX
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Adinarayana Mukkamala,
Adinarayana Mukkamala
Zentech, Inc., Houston, TX
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Bidyut Majumdar,
Bidyut Majumdar
Zentech, Inc., Houston, TX
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Michael Havbro Faber,
Michael Havbro Faber
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zu¨rich, Switzerland
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Daniel Straub,
Daniel Straub
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zu¨rich, Switzerland
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Juan de Dios de la O. Rami´rez
Juan de Dios de la O. Rami´rez
Pemex Exploration y Produccio´n, Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico
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Partha Chakrabarti
Zentech, Inc., Houston, TX
Ibrahim Abu-Odeh
Zentech, Inc., Houston, TX
Adinarayana Mukkamala
Zentech, Inc., Houston, TX
Bidyut Majumdar
Zentech, Inc., Houston, TX
Michael Havbro Faber
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zu¨rich, Switzerland
Daniel Straub
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zu¨rich, Switzerland
Juan de Dios de la O. Rami´rez
Pemex Exploration y Produccio´n, Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico
Paper No:
OMAE2005-67051, pp. 123-134; 12 pages
Published Online:
November 11, 2008
Chakrabarti, P, Abu-Odeh, I, Mukkamala, A, Majumdar, B, Havbro Faber, M, Straub, D, & de la O. Rami´rez, JDD. "An Overview of the Reassessment Studies of Fixed Offshore Platforms in the Bay of Campeche, Mexico." Proceedings of the ASME 2005 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering: Volume 1, Parts A and B. Halkidiki, Greece. June 12–17, 2005. pp. 123-134. ASME.
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