This paper summarizes the results of extensive research on the design loads used for strength assessment of merchant ship structures such as tankers, bulk carriers and container ships. The main aim of the research was to develop practical estimation methods of design loads having rational technical backgrounds acting on primary structural members of tankers, bulk carriers and container ships. During this study: 1) The design sea states that closely resemble the actual sea states which are considered as the most severe for hull structures are proposed. 2) The practical estimation methods of the design sea states are proposed by parametric studies using the results of series calculation of representative merchant ships. 3) The practical estimation methods of design regular waves resulting in the same level of stresses with that induced in irregular waves under the design sea states are proposed. 4) The practical estimation methods of the design loads such as ship motions, accelerations, hull-girder bending moments and hydrodynamic pressures that are induced under design regular waves are briefly introduced. The findings in this study have been summarized and implemented in the new design standards for tanker, bulk carrier and container ship structures. (Guidelines for Tanker Structures, 2001, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai. Guidelines for Bulk Carrier Structures, 2002, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai. Guidelines for container Carrier Structures, 2003, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai.)

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