Every year, there are roughly 8 million bone fractures in United States [1]. In addition, approximately 2300 new cases of primary bone cancer are diagnosed each year [2]. Yet, the number of people suffering from bone disease is significantly greater; about 10 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from osteoporosis [3]. Consequently, surgeons perform nearly 500,000 bone graft operations annually making bone grafts the second most frequently transplanted materials [4]. Although there is an extremely high demand for treatment of bone abnormalities, the current grafting methods fail to meet these demands due to several limitations. Autografting has the fewest problems with rejection and pathogen transmission, however in some cases the availability may be limited or not be possible (e.g., genetic diseases). With other methods of transplantation such as allogafting and xenografting where tissue is acquired from other humans or species, respectively, the receptor’s immune system causes an increased risk of chronic rejection [5]. Notably, the major drawback with all these methods is that they often require multiple painful and invasive surgeries.

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