Noise presents itself today as the most frequent physical agent in the workplace and its harmfulness is already proven by the literature. Among its main consequences are noise-induced hearing loss that can be caused by any type of excessive sound emission, including those used in Spinning classes. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the sound pressure levels in Spinning classes in Brasília-DF academies, as well as to identify the teacher’s perception of their auditory condition. The Bruel & Kjaer 2250 sound pressure gauge was used to ensure the reliability of measurements. 43 teachers participated and the sound pressure levels were measured at 20 academies. The results indicate that 100% of the academies are working with values above the limits allowed by the current legislation (85dBA). Thus, the higher the weekly workload, the higher the maximum sound pressure level and the equivalent to which the teachers are exposed. Concerning the auditory perception of the teachers, (69.8%) they stated that they did not feel bothered by the loud sound. It is suggested that academies, teachers and students be guided to prevent possible hearing damage and to try to control the noise level in the classroom.

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