The reduction of noise generated by aircraft at take-off and approach is crucial in the design of new commercial aircraft. Landing gear noise is significant contribution to the total noise sources during approach. The noise is generated by the interaction between the non-aerodynamic components of the landing gear and the flow, which leads to turbulence generated noise. This research presents results from the European Clean Sky funded ALLEGRA project. The project investigated a full-scale Nose Landing Gear (NLG) model featuring the belly fuselage, bay cavity and hydraulic dressing. A number of low noise treatments were applied to the NLG model including a ramp door spoiler, a wheel axel wind shield, wheel hub caps and perforated fairings. Over 250 far field sensors were deployed in a number of microphone arrays. Since technologies were tested both in isolation and in combination the additive effects of the technologies can be assessed. This study describes the different techniques used to quantify the contribution of each technology to the global noise reduction. The noise reduction technologies will be assessed as a function of frequency range and through beamforming techniques such as source deletion.
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ASME 2015 Noise Control and Acoustics Division Conference at InterNoise 2015
August 9–12, 2015
San Francisco, California, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Noise Control and Acoustics Division
Aeroacoustic Source Separation on a Full Scale Nose Landing Gear Featuring Combinations of Low Noise Technologies
Eleonora Neri,
Eleonora Neri
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
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John Kennedy,
John Kennedy
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
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Gareth J. Bennett
Gareth J. Bennett
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
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Eleonora Neri
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
John Kennedy
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Gareth J. Bennett
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Paper No:
NCAD2015-5912, V001T01A006; 11 pages
Published Online:
September 9, 2015
Neri, E, Kennedy, J, & Bennett, GJ. "Aeroacoustic Source Separation on a Full Scale Nose Landing Gear Featuring Combinations of Low Noise Technologies." Proceedings of the ASME 2015 Noise Control and Acoustics Division Conference at InterNoise 2015. ASME 2015 Noise Control and Acoustics Division Conference. San Francisco, California, USA. August 9–12, 2015. V001T01A006. ASME.
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