A Finite Element model has been developed for a Pratt truss railroad bridge located at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. This model was used to investigate the vibration responses of a bridge under vehicle loading. Modeling results have been obtained for a single axle with two wheels traversing the bridge at different speeds. The current model does not include the effects of vehicle suspension. Superposition of multiple axles has been used to represent a locomotive transiting the bridge. The output of the vibration response was used as an input to an acoustic FE model to determine which vibrational modes radiate infrasound. The vibration and acoustic models of the railroad bridge will be reviewed, and results from the analysis will be presented. Measurements from an accelerometer mounted on the bridge agree reasonably well with model results. Infrasound could potentially be used to remotely provide information on the capacity and number of the vehicles traversing the bridge and to monitor the bridge for significant structural damage.

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