Beamforming in reverberant environments is important to locate and quantify noise sources in turbofan engine nacelles, automobile interiors, factories, and architectural settings. In order to validate and explore the limits of this approach, a beamforming experiment was conducted in a reverberation chamber using a 32 channel planar phased array and a B&K sound power source. In the reference configuration, the source was located 2 m from the 1.1 m diameter array, and neither was close to the chamber walls. A less-demanding case was constructed by adding some foam absorber to the room to reduce reverberation. A difficult case resulted when the source was placed 5 m from the array, about 1 m from a corner of the chamber. Conventional frequency-domain beamforming with diagonal deletion was applied. The sound source was accurately located at the 2 m distance, with and without the added absorber. In the 5 m case, the sound source could be located at only a few frequencies and only when the processing bandwidth was increased from 48.8 Hz to 781 Hz. Processing individual eigenvectors of the CSM separated the direct and reflected source in 5 m case. The error in the deduced broadband sound power was 0.72 dB in the baseline case, 1.47 dB with the added absorber, and 5.41 dB with the speaker in the corner. Application of CLEAN-SC did not improve the accuracy of the corner results. Use of a Green’s function that attempts to account for reflections was ineffective. It is concluded that beamforming in highly reverberant environment with the free space Green’s function is practical, provided the array is designed and positioned correctly for the environment and source location.

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