Babcock Power Environmental (BPE), a Babcock Power Inc. company, has developed a new, innovative, high-efficiency NOx reduction technology designed to greatly reduce the NOx emissions from waste to energy (WTE) boilers at relatively low cost. This “tail-end” system uses Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) to achieve the high reduction performance. Conventional SCR catalyst cannot be used in the traditional “high-dust” location, downstream of the economizer because constituents in the ash would poison the catalyst quickly, rendering it useless. Thus, the Regenerative Selective Catalytic Reduction (RSCR®) system is designed to operate at the end of the plant before the flue gas is discharged to the stack. The process utilizes a reactant (usually aqueous ammonia) to be added to the flue gas stream upstream of the RSCR to reduce NOx to harmless reaction products, N2 and H2O. The RSCR combines the efficient heat recovery, temperature control, reactant mixing, and catalyst into a single unit and provides the maximum NOx reduction and heat recovery practical. The paper will describe the overall predicted performance of a typical WTE boiler plant using this new technology. The paper will also provide actual operating data on the RSCR, which has been retrofitted to four biomass-fired units.
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17th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference
May 18–20, 2009
Chantilly, Virginia, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Solid Waste Processing Division
RSCR® System to Reduce NOx Emissions From Boilers
Richard F. Abrams,
Richard F. Abrams
Babcock Power Inc., Worcester, MA
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Robert Faia
Robert Faia
Babcock Power Sales Inc., Worcester, MA
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Richard F. Abrams
Babcock Power Inc., Worcester, MA
Robert Faia
Babcock Power Sales Inc., Worcester, MA
Paper No:
NAWTEC17-2363, pp. 71-75; 5 pages
Published Online:
August 24, 2009
Abrams, RF, & Faia, R. "RSCR® System to Reduce NOx Emissions From Boilers." Proceedings of the 17th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference. 17th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference. Chantilly, Virginia, USA. May 18–20, 2009. pp. 71-75. ASME.
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