Municipal solid wastes (MSW) typically contain plastic materials, leather, textiles, batteries, food waste and alkalis. These materials are sources of chlorine, sulfur, potassium, zinc, lead and other heavy metals that can form corrosive media during combustion of the MSW in waste-to-energy (WTE) facilities. Chlorides and sulfates, along with fly ash particles, condense or deposit on the waterwall surfaces in the combustion chamber and on other heat exchanger surfaces in the convection path of the process gas, such as screens and superheater tubes. The resulting high corrosion spots necessitate shutdowns and tube replacements, which represent major operating costs. The aim of ongoing research at Columbia University is to gain a better understanding of the effects of fuel composition, products of combustion, and chemical reactions that lead to the corrosion of metal surfaces in WTE boilers. The potential chemical reactions and their chance of occurrence were determined by means of thermochemical calculations of the respective equilibrium constants as a function of temperature and gas phase composition.
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12th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference
May 17–19, 2004
Savannah, Georgia, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Solid Waste Processing Division
Effects of Feed Composition on Boiler Corrosion in Waste-to-Energy Plants
Dionel O. Albina,
Dionel O. Albina
Columbia University, New York, NY
Search for other works by this author on:
Karsten Millrath,
Karsten Millrath
Columbia University, New York, NY
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N. J. Themelis
N. J. Themelis
Columbia University, New York, NY
Search for other works by this author on:
Dionel O. Albina
Columbia University, New York, NY
Karsten Millrath
Columbia University, New York, NY
N. J. Themelis
Columbia University, New York, NY
Paper No:
NAWTEC12-2215, pp. 99-109; 11 pages
Published Online:
December 17, 2008
Albina, DO, Millrath, K, & Themelis, NJ. "Effects of Feed Composition on Boiler Corrosion in Waste-to-Energy Plants." Proceedings of the 12th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference. 12th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference. Savannah, Georgia, USA. May 17–19, 2004. pp. 99-109. ASME.
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