Tremendous money is wasted due to the lack of attention to the water gauge and flue plate stiffeners, and their impact on the insulation and lagging design. The design and installation of an insulation and lagging system will depend heavily upon the flue or duct stiffener arrangement. The stiffener arrangement is determined by many factors including the water gauge of the flue or duct plate design. The stiffener pattern and size is the first thing you consider when designing an insulation and lagging system. Therefore, it is imperative to understand how the size, shape and pattern of the external stiffeners are developed. The stiffener sizing of yesterday was based on a much lower water gauge pressure and allowed the insulation to be placed between the stiffeners without having to cut-to-fit. The stiffeners being designed today are quite large and much farther apart. This is due in part to the water gauge number being used in the design calculations and because they have not considered the required insulation thickness and application. A well designed and installed insulation and lagging system will save money and energy at a rate that is essential for an efficient plant operation. This is especially true when adding a selective catalytic reduction system (SCR) or a selective non catalytic reduction system (SNCR) to the back end of a steam-generating unit. The insulation and lagging system is critical for these air pollution systems to operate correctly.

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