The steam and power generating industries, like most, have to pay close attention to health and safety issues pertinent to its industry components. Each component of the boiler island has some special and unique issues that must be addressed. Brick, refractory, and insulation are no exception. They have very specific health and safety issues on just about every type of refractory and insulation material available on the market today. Not to mention the health and safety issues associated with the materials of products no longer manufactured but still found on existing construction. These industries must know about the health and safety issues associated with the products to be installed at their facilities. They must also familiarize themselves with those products that exist on their boilers. Ignorance is not an excuse and will save them no money when and if someone breaches an area that has a material that presents a health or safety issue. Proper material selection and proper preventive practices will prevent any potentially dangerous and health threatening issues. Paying close attention and following all health and safety requirements will protect the health and safety of those working in and around brick, refractory and insulation materials.
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11th North American Waste-to-Energy Conference
April 28–30, 2003
Tampa, Florida, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Solid Waste Processing Division
Health and Safety Issues on Brick, Refractory and Insulation
Gary J. Bases
Gary J. Bases
BRIL, Inc., Copley, OH
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Gary J. Bases
BRIL, Inc., Copley, OH
Paper No:
NAWTEC11-1683, pp. 173-176; 4 pages
Published Online:
January 5, 2009
Bases, GJ. "Health and Safety Issues on Brick, Refractory and Insulation." Proceedings of the 11th North American Waste-to-Energy Conference. 11th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference. Tampa, Florida, USA. April 28–30, 2003. pp. 173-176. ASME.
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